Change of Registrant


For any change of registrant name, you must complete this form, then print, tick, sign, and return to us

  •  fax to 09 6220790 
  • or post to 14/386 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn, Auckland.
  • or scan and email: 

I, <full name>

the current registrant of <domain name>,

and I <full name>

the prospective registrant, have entered into an agreement to change the registrant details for the above domain name.


The contact details for the prospective registrant are:

Prospective registrant
Contact Name


Please confirm where you want the domain/website transferred to
Either  Leave the domain attached to the current webspace and billing account
or  Send the UDAI to the new registrant as they will transfer the domain away from your registry
or  Move the domain and website to a new billing account under the new owners name.
or  Move only the domain to a new billing account, freeparked but no email services. 

Please read the following statements, tick the boxes and sign in confirmation at the bottom of the page.
a) I, the current registrant, confirm that I am authorised to action a change of registrant for this domain.
b) I, the current registrant, agree to release Web Widgets Ltd from any further obligation to itself after the completion of the change of registrant process.
c) I, the prospective registrant, confirm that I have requested the change of registrant, and that I have read and accepted all relevant terms of service set out in the registrant's agreements. /termsnz.html
d) I, the prospective registrant, agree to indemnify Web Widgets Ltd, their agents, officers, and employees for any costs, losses, or liabilities incurred in the reasonable performance of their duties in processing this request, or in dealing with claims arising from the allocation or use of the name.
e)I, the prospective registrant, declare that there is no reason why the change of registrant request should not be actioned.
f) I, the prospective registrant, agree to allow Web Widgets Ltd to seek further proof of identity, or evidence of my ability, to meet the conditions for holding a domain name.

On behalf of current registrant:
(signed) (Date)

On behalf of prospective registrant:
(signed) (Date)