Our price list for almost everything else

Our prices are low, and the expectation is our customers will do most things for themselves. However, there are always times when you need a little more help. We take a look at what that might cost you. 

Examples of things we do for free

  • Update accounts or domain name contact details. Provide UDAI / Auth Code. 
  • Provide quotes for design work
  • Accounts history query
  • Fix any errors/bugs in the content management system or shopping cart functionality.
  • Indicate the availability or location of a specific function or option within our content management system
  • Confirm that a POP3/IMAP account is active by testing the webmail interface
  • Investigate and resolve domain name server issues (for websites hosted by us)

Small jobs cost $40 (min fee, 15 minutes)

  • 10 minutes to provide step by step instructions
  • Make a minor text edit to your website
  • Upload a photo in the right format, resolution and size.
  • Configure any option or setting that you could have done yourself. 
  • Setup a discount or freight option.
  • Verification method for google / facebook.
  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Configure DNS settings
  • Investigation of a bug or issue, that is not a bug but was actually due to a customer mis-configuration. 
  • Minor styling tweaks, fix browser compatibility issue
  • Create a duplicate of your existing website

Medium jobs cost $70 (per 30 minutes) 

  • Help you configure email on a new device / software (screen share, or over phone)
  • Investigate a simple API related issue that is not a bug
  • 30 minutes training on any topic

Larger Sized Jobs cost: $120 fee (eg per hour)

  • 1 hour training on any topic you like (design, SEO, ecommerce features, POS)
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of 1 key phrase, or 1 hours training on SEO  
  • CSV File import (Product list, customer/member list, vouchers, etc)
  • Investigate a complex API related issue that is not a bug
  • Provide a quote for a feature request involving programming work
  • Configure our system for use with an existing API such as Vend, Xero or Unleashed, Fastway couriers. 
  • Setup Google Apps Email, and instructions about using Google Apps. 
  • Upload a CD of photos, import them into a gallery or shopping cart.
  • Add a new report
  • Backup a website and data, and provide to you as a ZIP file.

Email Migration 

We offer a mail history migration service, to copy your IMAP email folders from an old mailbox to your new mailbox. The cost of migration is $50+gst for 1 mailbox, $80+gst for 2 mailboxes, or $100+gst for 3+ mailboxes. 

Backups & Restores 

  • $90 restore email mailbox to a given date (or whole domain email) (please specify if you want "over the top" restore lost files, or to delete current status and replace with old version.)
  • $120 to fix/restore deleted data. (or for FREE you can undelete a page in the CMS for first few days)
  • $60 inquire as to availability of a backup from our long term storage facility. 
  • Please specify what date to restore to, normally up to 14 days we can do fairly easily, and older periods have less restore points available.

Big Jobs (Ask for Quote, Typically Provided by a 3rd Party designer.) 

  • Graphics / Web Design (Custom website design)
  • Search Engine Optimisation for multiple phrases. 
  • Content loading 

Expert Consultancy 

  • Expert consultancy is required where our support team does not know the answer to your query. Typically this is about the subtle aspects of API integration, or simply a preliminary conversation regarding possible development work.
  • $180 per hour to speak with a lead developer, to understand aspects in a deeper way. (min $100 for 30 minutes)

Account Fees

  • $5 Administration Fee, if you forget to pay your account by the due date, we will provide hosting for 1 extra month before taking your website offline for non payment. 
  • $10 Administration Fee (or 10%) if you would like a refund on your account. This fee covers investigation to prevent fraud, and to cover management time authorising outwards payments. 

All fees on this page exclude GST, and are correct for NZ$ and AU$. Invoices for NZ customers will have GST added. Prices are approximately 20% less for US$, CA$, Euro, and GBP. Please enquire for any other currency.