5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be On YouTube

Your business needs to have a presence on YouTube!

The brainchild of three former PayPal employees in 2005, YouTube was sold to Google in 2006. It remains a part of Google’s empire and with over 4 billion videos watched every day, it is a great way to get your business out there and noticed by your target audience. It is one of the top three most powerful search engines along with Google and Facebook and is often overlooked by businesses when choosing where to run their marketing and social media campaigns.

Why Your Business Needs a YouTube Channel

There are plenty of benefits to your business of having an active YouTube channel, including:

  • Getting an additional source of traffic - billions of videos are viewed everyday on YouTube and an estimated 122 million daily users of all ages, backgrounds and locations. By including a link to your website in your channel profile and with each video you post, people can then visit your website. As a business owner, it is essential to have your products or services in front of your clients or customers. However, it is really hard to do that without spending a small fortune on advertising. But with over 1 billion people visiting YouTube each month and more than 100 hours of videos being uploaded every 60 seconds, it’s a great source of large traffic volumes.
  • Generating backlinks to your website - backlinks are key signals to Google that content is worth looking at. Backlinks also let people access your website from places other than a search engine. Google is one of the major search engine players around, so it makes sense that you utilise all their other business too. Google is now showing video results in search engines, especially ones which have been uploaded onto YouTube. It also increases the authority of your website in Google’s eyes through linking to it.
  • Provide additional content to your audience - video gives you the opportunity to put content in front of your audience in a format other than text or images. Having a website and being active on social media is a great way to get known, yet they both lack the personal touch. By uploading videos of you and your business you are moving from being just a photo to being a real person and building rapport with your audience. This makes it more likely that they will then approach you when they want something you sell.
  • Worldwide exposure - used all over the globe, you can potentially reach a wider audience here. As they use the inbuilt search engine, you also have a good chance of being found by it too.
  • Brand presence and authority growth - this is another social media platform in which you can use your branding to increase online visibility. How people view your brand is important, so give them some positive ideas through your own videos. Becoming an authority on your products or services is easily achieved through using YouTube. Not only are you increasing the number of avenues that you can be found at, you are also showing that you are the expert they can trust.

Using Your YouTube Videos on Your Website

You can use your YouTube videos within your website too. Just remember that one of the potential downsides of videos is that they are large files. Large files can slow websites down, making it off putting to visitors and likely to be ranked poorly by Google.

We recommend that for optimum website speeds, you use our inbuilt video tools in the CMS. This requires you to first upload your video to YouTube and then add the link to it using our video tool. Here's our demonstration video on how to add a video on YouTube to your website using the new Content Box editor.

As the video is hosted on YouTube but only shown when someone visits your website, it does not slow your website down. Our CMS makes adding website videos a breeze, just like it does the building of a website. Why not grab yourself a free trial and test just how easy it is to use our popular website builder and take advantage of our super fast web hosting too!

Tags: social media  

Posted: Monday 15 August 2016


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