April News 2024

As we come to the end of daylight savings, many of us find ourselves indoors for longer times. This could provide the opportunity you need to spend some time on improving your customer emails:

  • How to use email marketing to nurture leads
  • How to write an email newsletter which gets read
  • Benefits of email marketing
  • Best email subject line examples and how to write them
  • Site of the Month

How to Use Email Marketing to Nurture Leads

Email marketing remains one of the most effective types of business marketing. With the ability to reach large numbers of interested customers in one go, it's important that you nurture these warm leads by keeping in touch.

In this article, we will explain not only what what lead nurturing is, but how you can use email marketing to achieve it.

How to Write an Email That Gets Read

Email newsletters are a great marketing tool to attract new customers and keep your business in the minds of your existing or previous customers. The issue is, so many newsletters are left unopened or deleted upon arriving in an inbox. 

Today we're going to focus on discussing three things to know for writing good emails: characteristics of high performing email newsletters, how to set your newsletter out and content ideas for your newsletter. We'll also share two free tools you can use to check the effectiveness of your email subject headings.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is well known to be one of the marketing channels which brings the highest ROI or return on investment - an average of $42 for every $1 spent.
With 99% of consumers checking their emails daily, 73% of millennials preferring businesses to contact them via email and four out of five marketers saying they'd rather give up social media than email marketing, we'd say that's enough proof to show how important email marketing is. 
But wait, there's more as we've got some additional benefits to share with you too:

Writing the Best Email Subject Marketing Lines

Imagine a world where every email newsletter you set had a 100% open rate? Is that even possible? Well, probably not to be honest. But that doesn't mean you need to accept newsletter open rates of less than 10% as your lot. 

In this article, we are sharing a list of some of the best email subject line examples for you to gain inspiration from. We'll also share our top tips on how to write high performing subject lines with you too.

Site of the Month

LS Equestrian have designed themselves a stunningly designed and easy to navigate website! The home page makes great use of scrolling photos which capture the eye and showcase their products in use. The use of a search box above the menu area helps customers find exactly what they want without needing to spend time searching for it.

Well done LS Equestrian on your new website! 

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2024
