January News 2025

Welcome to 2025! Our team are back on board this week after a great break, which of course means that the weather will improve!

This year one of our goals is to continue to provide the excellent service and website building platform to all our customers. But we don't want to stop just there - we'd love to share this with new customers too, and YOU can help us with this.

For each and every customer you refer to us, you will receive a 25% discount ongoing for the life of the hosting relationship! That means if you refer 4 or more friends, you will get your web hosting for free! All you need to do to get this discount is let us know their details and when their site is live, we'll take care of it.

You can find our more information about making referrals or becoming an affiliate here. 

For the newsletter this month we've focused on:

  • Resolving common wholesale challenges
  • Wholesale, Trade, B2B - Product Pricing and Customer Management
  • Automating your shipping processes
  • Affiliates and referral discounts

Resolving Common Wholesale Challenges

As a wholesale business, your challenges are different from those of retailers. You've got large volumes of stock to keep track of, relationships with new and existing manufacturers to nurture, retailers to communicate with and sell to, and a distribution chain to manage. Finding solutions to these challenges takes time and effort, yet is essential to retain an acceptable profit margin.

We'll walk through 5 common problems wholesalers face, along with suggested solutions.

Wholesale, Trade, B2B - Product Pricing and Customer Management

Customise your product pricing for B2B, trade pricing, wholesale pricing, VIP or targeted discount pricing mechanisms. It's easy to add products and fine tune product pricing in multiple ways for a range of audiences, such as retail customers, trade customers and VIP customers. 
Learn more about our pricing mechanisms of price visability, wholesale pricing tiers, VIP pricing, customer discount rates, quantity price breaks, discount prices, sale prices, product options, bulk pricing updates, and sales rep information.

Automating Your Shipping Processes

Automated shipping makes it quicker, easier and cheaper to send out your customers' orders. In this handy guide, we'll explain what shipping automation is, why you should consider using it for your online business and how you can get started using it today.

Affiliates and Referral Discounts

Did you know that if you refer a friend to use our awesome website builder service, that you get a 25% discount off your hosting?

You can also place an affiliate link on your website and receive a 25% discount commission for each new live website achieved through it!

New UI Coming Soon

We have been working on a new user interface, proposed for launch very soon. If you are wanting a sneak preview of it for beta testing, you can access the new UI by navigating to ACCOUNTS tab, then UI settings, then click the grey button called "Test New User Interface"

Posted: Thu 30 Jan 2025
