Our CMS system has gone through a whole lot of upgrades this last month to make your websites display better onmobile devices.
The inner workings of how we generate your galleries, product pages, blogs and checkout have all been upgraded. A small percentage of websites have experienced issues during this upgrade, so please publish your site, checkover your site and let us know asap if you experience any issues from this change. We will quickly resolve any issues resulting from the upgrade free of charge.
The benefit of all this work is that your websites now display awesomely on mobile devices.
We have made huge changes to the way that we generate your web page content from our CMS. Specifically, all lists, blogs, galleries, product listings, and product pages etc have all been upgraded to use the latest approach to web design. Gone are the old table based layouts, and now we have an awesome new DIV based layouts, that render awesomely on mobile devices, easy for big fingers to navigate and buy on small screens. If you previously opted out of the default mobile mode, now might be the time to reconsider. Checkout www.websitebuilder.co.nz on your mobile phone, and let us know what you think. Or checkout the screen grab on the right.
One issue with these upgrades is that subtle design issues have arrisen on a small percent of websites. Depending on the base template you used, or how your designer put your site together, you may experience issues with "gaps" or "missing borders". Please login to our CMS, press publish, review your site and look out for any gaps or oddities that have appeared on your website in the last 2 weeks. We will happily fix any websites experiencing issues from this upgrade for free. Please just lodge a support ticket and we will tidy up any issues asap for you. Contact - Support Team
If you want more customisation of your mobile template mode, then contact one of our designers: Contact - Web Designers
All images have been marked as { max-width: 100% }
That strange bit of code ensures that all images, always "fit" and don't blow out your templates. However, on some sites, it has caused columns to shrink where the image used to control the width. Now the width of a column must be explicity stated, or variations occur across browsers. If your site has experienced this issue, please Contact - Support Team asap and we will fix your column widths for free. The benefit of this upgrade is that when you upload a large photo, it won't destroy the look of your website.
Stylesheets are no longer supported in the bulk emailer. Google mail do not support the email based stylesheet, and since Google is the biggest provider of active email accounts, we decided it was better to remove the stylesheet functionality, and encourage you to use the TinyMCE toolbar to layout your email content.
This latest email is a simple example of how you can format your emails using tables, with background images. In this email, i have used 2 tables, the outer table has the background image and is 100% wide, the inner table is centered with a white background, padding=10 and in the advanced area, i put style = max-width: 1000px; which renders nicely even in low resolution screens.
All our design consultants are now independent contractors and resellers. You can see all the available consultants at the following link from all across NZ.
If you require training or professional help getting started with your website, please contact a local consultant or review their portfolios and special pricing if you want to do it virtually. We have authorised all our resellers and design consultants to engage with you directly, and bill you directly for their time.
Shopping Cart Booster special - 3 hours shopping cart tweaks for $200.00
Make the most of the pre-xmas rush with a 3 hour shopping cart design package to make your products look their best. Changes customised to your needs whether it be Larger product thumbnails, bolder buy buttons or a fresh new product layout. Offer valid till 14th December.
Contact Andrew - 09 9744304, aj@fury.net.nz or check out http://fury.net.nz/website-
More designer specials here: Contact - Web Designers
You can now use PoliPay to pay your Web Widgets Ltd invoices in real time. You can also use it as a payment method on your shopping carts.
We have only a few seats left for a great training option.
If you require personalised training, please contact one of our consultants
We would encourage all customers to get at least one hour of training at the early stages of building their website, and one more review prior to going live, just to give your website that professional critique, and quick tidy up of the rough bits.
Training topics include:
How to use website builder and shopping cart
How to design websites
How to crop and tidy up photos
How to optimise to get your website higher on google and other search engines
How to setup a facebook page, or other social media account
How to send newsletters
How to use any other feature we offer.
Book personalised training here
We have teamed up with the awesome 2talk team to offer you some great broadband options. If you have become disgruntled with your current telco, now is the time to move your business to voip and get a great bundled broadband offering.
We've performed along overdue upgrade to our telephone voice menu. A new professionally recorded voice will take you to the most requested areas, and get the right person in touch with you quicker. You can speed up the process if you press 1 for sales, 2 for accounts or 3 for support... Ask the team for their DDI access number if you want faster access to specific people.
Please note, that email is always the best way to communicate with us as you can provide more information, screenshots, links etc. Phone calls often take 15 minutes, and at peak times we cannot answer all calls.
We have also removed the 3rd party call center that we had answering the phones for the last few months, and have reduced our regional numbers. We now have just 3 simple free phone numbers.
NZ: 0800 894122
Australia 1800 816063
USA: 888 254 3166
And via our online support portal, we provide a new option to lodge urgent support requests. These special requests will send SMS alert messages to the whole team, which is much better than calling us after hours. Such urgent service incurs a support fee if misused. Free emergency support is to notifiy of us of a major outage or business process impediment for a live website.
Did you know that if you refer a friend to use our awesome website builder service, you get a 20% discount off your hosting? If you refer 5 friends, then you will essentially get your web hosting for free! Not only that, but your friends will also get their 2nd month web hosting absolutely free. That's a nice little encouragement for them to check our service out and gives us the opportunity to setup your discount. Both discounts apply for your 2nd and subsequent websites also. It doesn't matter if it is yours, a friend, family or a stranger. Discounts begin once both websites are live. Please make sure you or your friend communicates the referral at the earliest opportunity.
More information about affiliates here
We have an awesome new offer for the young (and old) web designers.We can setup any web designer who is interested with all they need to get started as a web designer at no cost:
More information on reselling here
There are several places you can find answers to questions about how to build your website and add features (which, there are a lot of) and its free for you to look:
If you can't find the answer you need - then get professional help
Contact - Web Designers or lodge a Support ticket
In 99% of cases the answer to a problem is covered in one (or more) of these places. We always fix bugs fast, with all the users we have we get notified very fast of any real bug - they are not common, so if you are having an issue operating the CMS consider some online training with us - you'll always take something away worth value. In all other cases we are happy to do anything you are having trouble doing yourself for a small fee starting from $20 for 10 minutes.
http://word2cleanhtml.com - Cleans word docs for CMS Editor
GoogleFonts - Online Web Fonts
http://pinterest.com/ - A social networking Pin Board
http://pixlr.com/ - online photo editor
http://www.photoshop.com - online photo editor
http://www.jotform.com/ - online form builder
www.needanerd.co.nz - NZ Wide IT Nerds
www.geeksonwheels.co.nz - NZ Wide IT Geeks
www.ninite.com - absolutely the best way to install new software on a new computer
www.2talk.co.nz - cheaper VOIP calling and 0800 incoming call routing
All those links and more at our new toolbox page: More Toolbox / Links
Here's a selection of some of our recent DIY Go Lives.
And view more examples of websites powered by website builder
Please contact us for more information.
From the Team @ Web Widgets Ltd - Free Website Builder
Posted: Wed 27 Nov 2013