A merry Christmas to all, and best wishes with lots of sales in the silly season.
In place of corporate branded gifts, cheesy animated virtual christmas cards, or real christmas cards via the old postal network, we continue our tradition of donating $10000 to Oxfam. Oxfam work on all sorts of awesome projects to help empower people to empower themselves. For example, helping peasant farmers get their produce to the market (and i mean physically picking them up from their remote village to bring their food to the market place), or helping them commercialise their waste products to produce new incomes. This approach of helping people help themsevles is an ethos I am sure many business owners can relate to.
Our office will be closed from 20th December until 9th January.
We will monitor for important emailed support tickets, but ordinary support requests may not be answered over that time. Urgent tickets will send us an SMS message. Please do not abuse the urgent service so that we may also enjoy time with our families. Please pay your hosting invoices and domain renewals well in advance to avoid outages. Outages due to non payment will resolve themselves automatically shortly after the system notes your payment (paid via credit card or polipay).
You may also like to pay for urgent service from one of our resellers, subject to their own availability:
Shopping Cart Booster special - 3 hours shopping cart tweaks for $200.00
Make the most of the pre-xmas rush with a 3 hour shopping cart design package to make your products look their best. Changes customised to your needs whether it be Larger product thumbnails, bolder buy buttons or a fresh new product layout. Offer valid till 14th December.
Contact Andrew - 09 9744304, aj@fury.net.nz or check out http://fury.net.nz/website-
More web design contacts here: Contact - Web Designers
If you want to buy the ultimate christmas present for yourself, or someone you love, who suffers from too many wires on their desk, not enough screen real estate, and neck ache from looking down at their laptop screen, then i have a solution for you. I just bought a "Toshiba Dynadock", and it's awesome. I now have 2 large screens on my home desk, plus the laptop screen makes 3. It has hidden all the wires from view. When I need to take my notebook away from the desk, i only need unplug 2 wires. The dock provides access to everything, multiple screens, speakers, keyboard, mouse, external drives, internet etc. I highly recommend getting one of these if you want to make your notebook experience awesome. Mark from Web Advantage runs the site below, and he has also put a few other products on their you might be interested in.
http://www.mycomputerman.co.nz/webapps/p/105558/364147/974772 - Toshiba Dock
http://www.mycomputerman.co.nz/ - Other products
All our design consultants are now independent contractors and resellers. You can see all the available consultants at the following link from all across NZ.
If you require training or professional help getting started with your website, please contact a local consultant or review their portfolios and special pricing if you want to do it virtually. We have authorised all our resellers and design consultants to engage with you directly, and bill you directly for their time.
If you require personalised training, please contact one of our consultants
We would encourage all customers to get at least one hour of training at the early stages of building their website, and one more review prior to going live, just to give your website that professional critique, and quick tidy up of the rough bits.
Training topics include:
How to use website builder and shopping cart
How to design websites
How to crop and tidy up photos
How to optimise to get your website higher on google and other search engines
How to setup a facebook page, or other social media account
How to send newsletters
How to use any other feature we offer.
Book personalised training here
We have teamed up with the awesome 2talk team to offer you some great broadband options. If you have become disgruntled with your current telco, now is the time to move your business to voip and get a great bundled broadband offering.
And via our online support portal, we provide a new option to lodge urgent support requests. These special requests will send SMS alert messages to the whole team, which is much better than calling us after hours. Such urgent service incurs a support fee if misused. Free emergency support is to notifiy of us of a major outage or business process impediment for a live website.
Did you know that if you refer a friend to use our awesome website builder service, you get a 20% discount off your hosting? If you refer 5 friends, then you will essentially get your web hosting for free! Not only that, but your friends will also get their 2nd month web hosting absolutely free. That's a nice little encouragement for them to check our service out and gives us the opportunity to setup your discount. Both discounts apply for your 2nd and subsequent websites also. It doesn't matter if it is yours, a friend, family or a stranger. Discounts begin once both websites are live. Please make sure you or your friend communicates the referral at the earliest opportunity.
More information about affiliates here
We have an awesome new offer for web designers and awesome business networkers. We can setup any web designer who is interested with all they need to get started as a web designer at no cost:
More information on reselling here
There are several places you can find answers to questions about how to build your website and add features (which, there are a lot of) and its free for you to look:
If you can't find the answer you need - then get professional help
Contact - Web Designers or lodge a Support ticket
In 99% of cases the answer to a problem is covered in one (or more) of these places. We always fix bugs fast, with all the users we have we get notified very fast of any real bug - they are not common, so if you are having an issue operating the CMS consider some online training with us - you'll always take something away worth value. In all other cases we are happy to do anything you are having trouble doing yourself for a small fee starting from $20 for 10 minutes.
http://word2cleanhtml.com - Cleans word docs for CMS Editor
GoogleFonts - Online Web Fonts
http://pinterest.com/ - A social networking Pin Board
http://pixlr.com/ - online photo editor
http://www.photoshop.com - online photo editor
http://www.jotform.com/ - online form builder
www.needanerd.co.nz - NZ Wide IT Nerds
www.geeksonwheels.co.nz - NZ Wide IT Geeks
www.ninite.com - absolutely the best way to install new software on a new computer
www.2talk.co.nz - cheaper VOIP calling and 0800 incoming call routing
All those links and more at our new toolbox page: More Toolbox / Links
Here's a selection of some of our recent DIY Go Lives.
And view more examples of websites powered by website builder
Please contact us for more information.
Have a great Christmas, and we'll be back with the next newsletter in mid to late January.
From the Team @ Web Widgets Ltd - Free Website Builder
Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2013