In this edition of news:
Custom Invoice Number Sequence - You can now customize your invoice numbers, and control your own number sequence. This option can be found in the customization options for your shopping cart.
Change Payment Method - We have added greater ability for customers to change their payment method, and to continue the payment process when they have not previously completed a payment method.
Faster POS - Now easier to use bar codes, with the search box getting focus after each item is added to cart. We are working on detecting all types of bar code scanners to make the search step automatic after scanning, and add to cart automatic if only one item found.
Quantity Based Ordering - A new quantity based layout is great for shopping carts with only a few products, where often a quantity of each is required. E.g. One off event tickets. Customers set the quantity of each product required, then one button takes them to the checkout.
Accommodation booking - now supports seasonal pricing, with difference prices for different days of the week. Plus several other bug fixes.
Appointment Scheduling Offer - Do you need free help learning how to configure our new appointment scheduling or booking system? Please send us an email with your requirements, and we will see how we can bend the system to your needs.
Event Booking Engine - Event attendees, where a checkout/payment is involved, will no longer get event confirmations before completing their order. The status of their attendance will be "InCart". If they remain in that status for more than 24 hours without the cart being submitted, they will be removed from the attendee list automatically. If the cart is submitted, then they will receive their event confirmation email, and the status will update to "booked".
Event Booking Engine - Ask additional question for attendees to add notes with their booking. Perfect for parents enrolling children in summer activities.
Custom Banners - The drag and drop snippets can now be used to create an alternative banner layout, with captions and calls to action. Each snippet will cycle through. Currently you need to ensure all your snippets are the same height, but we are working on a technique to align the images and text in the vertical middle of each snippet.
Innova Content Box - This enhancement of the drag and drop editor allows you to create sections, with full width backgrounds, for a really visually enhanced look.
Drag and Drop Image Effects - You can now add hover zoom/fade effects, and other cropping techniques to your images in the drag and drop editor. Just click the icon to edit your image (After clearing your browser cache)
There’s more to website colours than just picking ones you like. In fact, the very colours you use (or don’t use) can help increase website conversions. With plenty of research having been done regarding the psychology of colour within websites, it pays to ensure you are aware of the facts before you start designing your website.
When you go on holiday, who manages your website orders? Do you tell your customers that you’re heading away, so they better buy now? Or do you take your website offline for the holidays? If you’re now wondering, can I even do that, stop. Today we’re going to discuss how to manage your website when you take a holiday.
Learn about the retirement of our free DNS service. Free DNS is provided for all websites and email accounts hosted with Website World, however customers will need to purchase a DNS hosting account if they want to have an email or web hosting service located elsewhere.
We have a vacancy for a Customer Liaison and Social Media Representative. You can work from anywhere in NZ. Well suited to an existing website world user who is proficient with social media use.
E-Commerce OverviewOver the years we have added so many new ecommerce features and enhancements, it's hard to keep up. The key features are summarized here:
Free Training Webinars
Facebook Support GroupWould you like to network with other Website World customers? And get access to general business support from other customers, as well as Q&A with our web designers and resellers? Also, if you have had a positive experience using Website World, we would love it if you could post a review on our facebook wall. |
We have an awesome prize for you to win.
- Premium business grade SSL web hosting for (1 year)
- Professional web design or makeover (20 hours)
- Ecommerce website configuration (7 hours)
- Search engine optimisation (3 hours)
Our next competition will be drawn in December.
But wait, there's more. If you are the referrer of the winning customer, then you will win 1 years free web hosting.
Please share this link where your friends can setup their own trial website. So long as they have a trial website and remain subscribed to our newsletter, then they will go into win, and you will win 1 years free web hosting if one of your affiliate customers wins the big prize.
Referral Competition Entry Link:[MBR_ID]
There are professional web designers all over New Zealand, and the World, who can help you customize your website design. Our in house team can offer a tidy up of your website for just $100+GST. Or contact any of our listed web designer for a full website design or makeover quote. No matter who you use for your website design, your website remains powered by our awesome content management system, so you can easily make updates to your website long term.
There is a free $100 credit available to all new AdWords accounts under 14 days old who sign up with Paul Jackson to setup and manage their new Adwords campaign.
Uptime stats provided by
Note: We had a 5 hour email sending outage in the early morning of 12 October. Some customers reported intermittent sending issues in the week prior. We believe we have fixed the fault, and added new monitoring. However, please continue to send us a screenshot of the actual error message, so that we can help resolve this issue should it repeat again.
We can now host PHP and Wordpress websites on our new and improved PHP web servers, with a target of 5% CPU usage, leaving 95% spare capacity to ensure your websites load quickly at all times.
Our PHP servers are load balanced, with MultiAZ database fault tolerance, to provide maximum up time. All PHP websites get free SSL certificate, and free https hosting. We support the latest version of Wordpress 4.8 running on PHP7. The hosting fees are the same as websites built and hosted on our CMS powered platform.
There are several training options
We have teamed up with the awesome ISP's to offer you some great broadband options. If you have become disgruntled with your current isp, now is the time to get a great bundled broadband offering, including the following ISPs
Do you need an 0800 number for your business? We think 2talk provide a really awesome service, and it's who we use. For example, you have an 0800 number call your landline first, then your mobile, then your 2IC's mobile to ensure that somone will take the call. Their rates are cheap, and all the value added services can be managed via a web page control panel, so you don't need to wait on hold for any call centers. You can manage your lines fully yourself.
Did you know that if you refer a friend to use our awesome website builder service, you get a 25% discount off your hosting? If you refer 4 friends, then you will essentially get your web hosting for free! Not only that, but your friends will also get their 2nd month web hosting absolutely free. That's a nice little encouragement for them to check our service out and gives us the opportunity to setup your discount. Both discounts apply for your 2nd and subsequent websites also. It doesn't matter if it is yours, a friend, family or a stranger. Discounts begin once both websites are live. Please make sure you or your friend communicates the referral at the earliest opportunity.
We have an awesome new offer for web designers and awesome business networkers. We can setup any web designer who is interested with all they need to get started as a web designer at no cost:
If you know of anyone who might be interested, point them at our reseller page. We'll offer a $100 finders fee commission for any existing customer who finds us a new reseller who set's up 3+ live websites in the reseller's first 3 months.
There are several places you can find answers to questions about how to build your website and add features (which, there are a lot of) and its free for you to look:
If you can't find the answer you need - then get you can Contact - Web Designers or lodge a Support ticket - Cleans word docs for CMS Editor
GoogleFonts - Online Web Fonts - A social networking Pin Board - online photo editor - online photo editor - online form builder - NZ Wide IT Nerds - NZ Wide IT Geeks - Free Stock Photos - the best way to install new software on a new computer - cheaper VOIP calling and 0800 incoming call routing
All those links and more at our new toolbox page:
Here's a selection of some of our recent Go Lives.
Please contact us for more information.
From the Team @ Web Widgets Ltd
Website World - Free Website Builder
Posted: Thu 16 Nov 2017