June News 2021

This month we are focusing on our free integrated Point of Sale system and the benefits it can provide you with.

What is a POS or Point of Sale System?

A POS or Point of Sale system refers to the software used to make a physical sale by a retailer. A cash register, computer or iPad are all able to be used with a POS, ideal for retailers who sell both online and in-person. It helps you to keep track of your inventory and take payments, ensuring effective stock management and a more efficient business.

Click here to learn more about how a POS works and why our free POS is a great option.

Benefits of Website World's POS

When a business has a bricks and mortar store alongside their online shop, keeping inventory counts and pricing in sync can get messy. Unless the business is using an integrated Point of Sale system, or POS. Here at Website World, our POS is bundled FREE with our eCommerce hosting plans. Let's take a look at why you too should take advantage of our built in POS.

Click here to read this article. 

Key Features of Our Point of Sale System

Website World's integrated point of sale system makes managing a showroom or taking phone orders a breeze.

Key features of our POS include that inventory is synchronised, meaning that you can sell the last item on the shelf, either instore or online, without overselling, plus that it includes syncing of both prices and loyalty points.

View our additional POS features here. 

Site of the Month

The owner of Teshas Coffee has recently migrated their website to Website World to take advantage of our customisable product options.

As seen in the above screenshot, customers can order their coffee and choose additional paid customisations. When the product is added to the cart, you will see the total cost of the product with the additional paid options that were chosen. This is an excellent feature for food and drink based businesses or for others with products requiring additional paid options.

View Teshas Coffee here. 

Video of the Month

In this video available through our YouTube channel, we demonstrate how to create three types of eCommerce discounts and how to configure a loyalty points program for your customers.

View the video here.

Posted: Thu 24 Jun 2021
