eCommerce Website Blog

  • Many customers believe their issue is urgent but should they really use our URGENT priority when raising support tickets?
    Posted: Wednesday 9 April 2014
  • 99% of our customers pay by online banking or credit card, and automation of these payment methods make administration much easier. Making administration easier passes on savings to our customers. We have decided to pass on a user pays policy for cheques.
    Posted: Friday 4 April 2014
  • Free POS - Point Of Sale System now available for free
    You can now get our integrated POS system for free with all our eCommerce hosting plans. Integrated POS is awesome, because it keeps stock synchronised between your online store and showroom/depot.
    Posted: Wednesday 2 April 2014
  • 99% of the time, the answer from support is to clear your cache.
    Posted: Friday 28 March 2014
  • Soon the .nz domain space will be dropping the 2nd level domains like, so we will be called, in addition, in the international domain space, there are heaps of new domains.
    Posted: Friday 7 March 2014
  • A summary of why our customers prefer website builder over wordpress
    Posted: Wednesday 26 February 2014
  • We have now implemented a better support roster to give greater telephone coverage to the day.
    Posted: Tuesday 11 February 2014
  • So often we get asked a question like, how do i do __________? Typically the answer requires 1 hour of research, but only 1 minute to implement.
    Posted: Monday 10 February 2014
  • We will shortly be replacing our international web hosting options with a powerful CDN (Content Distribution Network) service that will give your website the fastest delivery speeds worldwide automatically for free!
    Posted: Monday 10 February 2014
  • We have listened to our customers, and we are now focusing the new years development on a simple POS system, and improved stock control in the back end of our CMS
    Posted: Saturday 1 February 2014
  • Recently we have had a long conversation with one of our customers regarding templates warranty. That is, if a particular template does not work with a particular browser or particular customisation option, then who is responsible for fixing it. We feel it is important to publically state our position on template warranty.
    Posted: Friday 10 January 2014
  • So i bought a samsung blue ray player with smart share center in it soi could drive it with my samsung phone... but...
    Posted: Friday 13 December 2013
  • We have added quite a lot of new logic for the shopping cart, so i thought now is a good time to review some of the changes, and how they could help you.
    Posted: Wednesday 4 December 2013
  • In place of corporate branded gifts, cheesy animated virtual christmas cards, or real christmas cards via the old postal network, we continue our tradition of donating $10000 to Oxfam. Oxfam work on all sorts of awesome projects to help empower people to empower themselves.
    Posted: Sunday 1 December 2013
  • I just solved my home office solution. I now run 3 screens off a notebook, and the notebook only has 2 wires connected. 1 wire for the notebook power, the other wire from notebook to a generic "dock".
    Posted: Wednesday 13 November 2013
  • We have now completed the upgrade of our mobile responsive templates
    Posted: Wednesday 23 October 2013
  • 10 reasons why "non geeks" choose our awesome websitebuilder service over
    Posted: Wednesday 16 October 2013
  • Mobile usage of websites is on the increase with large format mobile phones. We are currently upgrading all our galleries, catalogs, product pages, shopping carts, checkout pages, directory listings, etc etc to use a responsive approach to web design.
    Posted: Tuesday 15 October 2013
  • Everyday I buy my coffee I suffer from a bad experience at the checkout. It's the same ordinary checkout experience we all suffer, because it's just how everyone does it. I propose some solutions that could streamline our lives. Many of these options are not just technical, they need government regulation to encourage the payment gateways to make the change.
    Posted: Thursday 10 October 2013
  • i think it would be possible to charge gst on goods under $400, and heres how.
    Posted: Saturday 13 July 2013

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